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Aspiring Author:


Always tending towards hobbies within the creative arts, I was far more comfortable expressing myself with a paintbrush or piece of charcoal than by putting words on paper for others to read. My early attempts were as bold as there were lacking in technical ability but as I continued I have grown in both style and depth of plot in my stories over the last four years.


Living in Australia sets me apart from me literary friends and colleagues but also bonds me to them closely as I am challenged by their perspectives as much as I try to challenge theirs. I hope that I bring a unique perspective to my writing that is borne from my own experiences and research.


Unable to focus on one thing for very long, my Literotica home page is littered with open series as well as finished stories. I am known for corralling my numerous plot bunnies into readymade hutches to save for cooking another day. For this reason it would be hard to pigeon hole me to just one category or style of writing as I am still finding my place within the world of erotica writers. My stories whether of the romance or science fiction fantasy genre tend to hold the harsher overtones of the BDSM life style.

I live in a small cottage style house with my family and two rambunctious puppies that often encourage me to play rather than write. I am currently hard at work on several projects including finishing of my open series on Literotica and starting a website to keep my readers updated on those projects.


I would hope that there is something on my page of stories over at Literotica to suit anyone's taste.


If you have questions or just want to make a comment please let me know via email.



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